November 4, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute
Bludit is a flatfile cms, no database installation, so you not need to integrate your database for your website. Just download source code project and upload on your web hosting , then run installation and your website is live !!
Include with backend admin panel area, make your fast and easy for update your website and blog project.
An alternative static site generator for PHP hosting, by using bludit is same like use static site generator, because bludit very fast and secure. Work on PHP lang , so you can run bludit project in to PHP hosting , you can use shared hosting , VPS, and others host type.
By default bludit is support for SEO, this is because google recommended fast website peform, you can use plugins for help your site to be better with SEO plugins, like twitter card, open graph, sitemap, RSS and others.
Get start now develope your project with bludit flatfile cms.