Run Text-X in your web host
For first make sure you have domain and web hosting to run this project, and you can use share host, VPS, and others.
Or you can try on local devices by using XAMPP.
Next step :
- Download Text-X Project
- Upload Text-X Source Code on your project host
- Extract all files source code in to your hosting.
- Now you can access your website and run installation
- Input Password for login on backend admin
- And your site is live !!
- Now you can work with Text-X Project by access on yourweb/admin and input your password there.
- For first you need to configure and settup your website , visit on SETTINGS - General , then change and update with your needed and save it.
- Activate Plugins : Next we can access on SETTINGS - Plugins, and now you need to activate plugins with you needed, for SEO you can activate this plugins : sitemap, RSS, open graph,twitter card, robots.
you can activate tags, links, or categories too if you want to display it.
- Content : Now you can write article and content for your blog, but make sure you have create categories for grouping your article content, so you can access on MANAGE - Categories , and create categories in here, next you can create new content by click on + New Content menu, and write your article , click on Options menu, and insert your description, switch to advance menu and insert your tags there, and save your article.
- For create new and update user , you can access on MANAGE - Users - and create new or update your users .
- Finish
We hope this project can help you for built and develope your clean minimalist blog with Text-X Project.
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