Explore all bludit themes visit bludit.axcora.com
How to install creative art portfolio bludit themes template ??
For first of course you need to download bludit lastest version , download now →
After download bludit you need to install on your cloud hosting or use local terminal server with localhost, for local terminal server you need to download xampp →
Okay.. now upload lastest bludit version on your project, for example you need to install and run on main site yoursite.com so you can upload on root or public_html folder.
And if you need to install on sub domain , so you need to create new sub domain on panel hosting, and name it sub domain with your own, after that you can visit on hosting panel and visit on subdomain folder, then upload bludit in here.
For installation on directori , you can create new folder and name it with your project, and upload bludit flatfile cms in here.
Visit your installation where you have upload bludit cms, and select language, input password and click installation. congratulations now you have successfully run modern website app with flatfile cms.
Now we need to upload this template on bludit project, so open your panel hosting ,visit your bludit project, then download this template Download Creative art portfolio →
After donwload this template you need upload on your bluditproject/bl-themes , extract all files in here.
Now we need to upload plugins for make your site better, so you can copy all files on plugins-extra and paste in to yourbluditproject/bl-plugins.
This is all files on plugins-extra folder, just copy all and paste on bl-plugins.
Next, you need to login on your bludit panel admin,visit on yoursite.com/admin and login with default user admin then input your password you have create from first bludit installation.
Visit on settings / themes - click activate creative themes template
Now you need to activate plugins for creative art portfolio too.. so visit on settings - plugins and activate all creative plugins.
Need to configure plugins position, visit settings - plugins - click Change the position of the plugins on top ,then configure like image.
Plugins structure :
After you have configure plugins position,Your site plugins look like on image
That's it !!
Get Start with creative art portfolio
And now of course you can write content for post page, article blog, and sticky,for first you need to create new categories for grouping your post by categories, after that you can write new content, insert title, and don't forget to settup description and cover image , with click options on article form, then insert tag, description and others what you needed in here.
SEO Optimation
For make your site powerfull on SEO so you need install this plugins , just visit on settings and click on plugins then activate this list.
Hire Developer for your next project
So if you need to built flatfile website blast fast and SEO , so you can hire our developer , HIRE NOW →