What is this ?

Freemium Premium bludit flatfile cms template free download source code gratis !!

The Bandit is a freemium and open source code for help developer built fast website with auto SEO injection, yess.. this is a freemium template you can download it and install on your bludit website.

Develope by axcora technology team.. and yeah.. if you need built a website with faltfile cms specialy bludit you can use our service , so hire me now →

So why we use bludit ??

For first i think bludit is best solution for who need fast website include with backend admin integration, no need learn about codding for waste time. with bludit you can easy to settup your site, focus on article and many more !!

Same like other cms you can fast for create and update content or page , upload your cover image and much more..

But if we use this freemium source code template website, so you not need to settup database, just download and install bludit flatfile cms on your hosting, then you can download this source code template, that's it !! and your website is live !!

What deferent with other flatfile cms ??

For me.. after i try and use bludit ,  i think with this cms make me fast for built website project without many settup, we can activate SEO plugin like sitemap, opengraph, twitter card, and more.. like i said before we not need to touch source code just play with bludit plugin.and focus on your content only !!

Alternative flatfile cms

  • Get Simple work with xml files
  • Get Axcora cms fork from get simple make very simple and easy settup
  • Pico CMS work with markdown file like modern static site generator concept
  • GRAV is the winnner best flatfile cms by cms critics
  • Flextype is runner up best flatfile cms by cms critics
  • Other solutions you can try static site generator

Why the bandit ??

The Bandit is free and open source code template for bludit flatfile cms. present by axcora technoloy and creativitas


Ruko Pasar Wisata Juanda Blok Q.07
Sidoarjo - Easy Java - Indonesia