
How to work with BPERS NEWS MAGAZINE PERS free download bludit themes template source code project.

Test Peform BPERS Projects

Test Result BPERS default peform - before inject google ads script

Google Lighthouse

news website themes template

Google Page Speed Mobile Target

news website themes template

Google Page Speed Desktop Target

news website themes template

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For first of course your need to download BPERS Project, Download Now →

Next you can upload and extract Project BPERS to the cloud host in your project folder, If you want to install on your main domain site, then you can upload in root or public_html, if you want to run on a subdomain, then you need to add a subdomain then upload the project BPERS to your subdomain project, and if you need to install in domain directory, then you can create a new folder and name it with your project, and upload BPERS source code to your domain dir.

OK, after you have uploaded and extracted BPERS, now we can run the installation, visit your domain and run the installation process - select language - click next - and enter your password, by default bludit uses admin as the username, but you can also change the detailed username after installation.

Boom !! Your site is live now.

Next we need to configure your site, so you can access the general settings and enter the title description and anything else you can set in the general settings. Don't forget to upload your logo on the logo tab, the logo image is used for your header image in the home page area.

Now we can change the admin password, or you can create a new one, set as admin, then save it, next you can delete the default by bludit user admin, for security reasons.

For SEO we need to activate the SEO Plugin, so access Settings - Plugins - Scroll Down, and you need to click activate this plugin

  • RSS Feed
  • Robots TXT
  • Canoncial
  • Open Graph
  • Twitter Card
  • Sitemap
  • Search

Optionally you can activate other plugins according to your needs.

To make your site more attractive, you can use BPERS Custom Widget, Check Custom Widget →

Now you can create article content for static pages or dynamic blog posts. Before creating articles, you need to create categories to group your article content. Click on categories and create new categories according to your needs to group your articles, and save.

Next, you can create articles for static pages or dynamic blog posts. Click New Content, and enter a title, then write your post, to add a description and tags or upload a cover image you can click the options menu in the content area, select a category, add a description, and upload a cover image, swtich to advanced tab and enter your tags, now you can change the type according to your needs, Static to create static pages, default for blog posts. After that, you can click save to update the content of your article.

To edit and delete content, you can access in Content, Pages tab for your blog posts, static tab for your static pages. Then you can edit or delete content according to your needs.

We hope this project can help you develop site quickly !!

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B-Pers is a free and open source code project for your website or news blog, developed with bludit flatifle cms without database making your site super fast.
Download and Run this project on your host then your site is live!!
To make your site very beautiful, you can purchase the B-Pers plugin widget.
B-Pers Plugins Download :