Tag : bludit,flatfile cms,content management system,flatfile,cms,seo,fast,fast website,write,blog,post,page
Alright !! now you can write content for page or blog post.
For first you can click on MANAGE - Categories on admin panel, then you can create categories in here, with this features you can grouping your article content by categories.
After you have create categories for grouping content article , now you can create and write content post article for blog or page. for first you can click new content, insert title, then write content.
And we need to optimation your blog post or page, so click on options menu on article form, and insert description, upload cover image in here, then click on advance and insert your tags in here.
You can select type for you content too...
Default - is a default post for blog post
Static - is a page content article
Sticky - for post sticky for your site.
That's it !! now this time for optimation your site with share you web app to the world