Tag : bludit,flatfile cms,content management system,flatfile,cms,seo,fast,fast website,download,gratis,source code,files,template,themes,website template,website themes,bludit template,bludit themes
Okay before you run this source code project , for first make sure you have download and run bludit flatfile cms on your project hosting, download bludit →
After download bludit you can install on your hosting , login on panel hosting, then upload bludit flatfile cms on your project, for example implementation like this.
Root / Public_html - if you want to install on main domain example mysite.com
Subdir / Subdomain - if you need to install with subdomain name, so you can create sub domain on panel hosting and name it subdomain with you project. for example bludit.mysite.com
Directori - if you want install and run directori website,so you can create new folder on public_html or root then name it with your project for example mysite.com/bludit
Visit on your bludit project then upload bludit flatfile cms , extract all files, and visit url project , for example installation on root so you can visit mysite.com , then you can select language , by default bludit is use user admin , and input your password here. and click install.
Congratulations !! you have success run bludit flatfile cms on your site !!
Now you need to download this source code project on our github repo
or you can clone project with terminal just run this command
git clone https://github.com/mesinkasir/blug.git
Next step how to install blug template on bludit flat file cms, visit installation page →